education conference

University of Applied Sciences Dresden Academic Partnering with ICEDU 2023

University of Applied Sciences Dresden

The 9th International Conference on Education 2023 (ICEDU 2023), which will be held from 16th – 17th March 2023, has collaborated with the University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Germany as the Hosting Partner.

On July 16, 1992, the then-Minister of State for Science and Art of the Free State of Saxony, Professor Hans Joachim Meyer, presented the foundation charter to complete the establishment of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences. Teaching and learning for 1,000 students commenced in October 1992 in 15 degree programs and several postgraduate programs. At the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, 42 academic programs are now being taken by about 4,800 students. The HTW Dresden is among Germany’s best universities of applied sciences (HAW) due to its highly practical teaching and research.

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